- 自我介紹
- 分享最近研究的主題、拉同好入坑
- 聊天與自由活動
Let's have an informal meeting featuring mostly free chat for this meetup. The process on 4/15 will be:
- Introduce yourself
- Talk about what you've been working on. Find people with common interests
- Free chat
備註 Note:
1. 活動場地有每位170元的基本消費,提供飲料無限暢飲,餐點部份另計。
The venue, DeRoot, charges 170 NTD per person for a refillable beverage order. The meal is charged separately.
2. 由於場地採人頭計費如有預約後不客前來請務必告知。
The venue charges by the number of attendees, please cancel your ticket if you're unable to attend.